Monday, 13 April 2009

36! What Next??

Soon I will be 36 on 22nd April.

In normal circumstances we can easily call it half way through this life cycle.

Last 23 years (out of the 36) of my life have been an excellent ride, from selling “supari” on bicycle to selling “cold drinks” on the roadside to selling “milk and curds” on a small shop to “tutoring” small children to working as part timer as “stock market analyst” to a “management trainee” to a “master strategist” to a “business acquisition expert” to a “Country Head”.

From my struggle to survive, facing the fear of dearth and poverty, an attempt to keep my family intact in those skirmish times of indigence and deprivation to today’s times of abundance and prosperity, life has been a learning curve for me. Full of experience and completeness, complete in the sense, even when fear wedged, it was to the extreme and even when came the prosperity, it was to the fullest extent.

Fear of dearth, has a larger impact on my mindset, as compared to the sense of abundance, even till today, sometimes my eyes remain wide open through out the night remembering those days and experiences, all night, till the dawn breaks. Perhaps that makes me run, run more rapidly, a never ending run, the very thought that the same dearth should not entrap me again, pursues me like a shadow.

Life has certainly changed with my marriage and thus arrival of my life partner Pramila and advent of Disha and Mayank into our lives. They are the bundle of joy and happiness, giving some meaning to my life.

But, I feel entrapment of my self into the vicious economic cycle, needs to be released, I can no more run a never ending race, I need to rest and think about the very purpose of my life, the very reason of my existence and in search of peace!! And at half way-mark of my life, I ponder whether I am too late? Or whether it is too early?

Life at 36!! What next????