I have experienced is real love, true love and it starts with the point “Love
yourself first and then only you can love others”, this is what I learnt in
last 3-4 years.
like food is to body, I understand love is nourishment of the soul, without
love soul is more like dead, lifeless. The moment I have started loving myself,
I have realized the strength and potential of me, how I can change lives and
share love, generate love. My nourished soul (in love) has become a source of
generating happiness and love all across and of course unconditional.
for me is synonymous to sharing, unlike Greed, which only wants and never
gives, Love knows only giving, sharing and never asks for anything in return,
in fact to be precise it is unconditional sharing.
the advent of love in my life I have become rebellious and revolutionary,
trying to do so many firsts in life, fearless and strong. Love has also made me
humble, once you realize the true love, you discover there is no room for ego,
your pride melts, and you become more and more humble day by day. Love has
given me wings to soar high. In last few years I have grown spiritually and
mentally, achieved more confidence and did certain things that I would have never
imagined I would ever do it. That’s what love does. We need to experience the
true love.
these years I was trying to love others, without loving myself, the biggest
fallacy of our upbringing, where we are taught to love others, show kindness to
others, help others, be truthful to others, while ignoring ourselves, we are
not taught to love ourselves first. What I realized is you cannot help others
without helping yourself first. Similarly you cannot love others or even
understand the true meaning of love without loving yourself.
has made me carefree, love has made me to experiment, love has made me disciplined.
beauty of love is that when you really and truly love someone you never feel
you have done enough you tends to feel loads of other possibilities, that’s
what I have experienced.
important thing, with love, you cannot set rules and responsibilities in love,
it is spontaneous and flows automatically I have experienced that. Any body who
knows me what I was few years back and what I am today will clearly know the
difference love has created in me. I feel so much can be done to so many people;
the possibilities of making each and everyone smile who comes across your life
(all this thinking can only be possible when you love yourself and understand
the true love)
I have understood is don’t condemn yourself, don’t demean yourself. I had been
condemned so much in life, demeaned so many times in life because of my
circumstances, because of colour, size, shape, attributes and my class that I
could never ever thank God for creating me, I would always curse God, for
creating me the way I was. Suddenly with this new chapter, with this new
realization of love, I now have recognized how beautiful, perfect, confident,
lucky and exceptional Manish God has created. In fact when I look around I can’t
find as lucky a person as me.
love for me, as I have understood, connects directly from soul to soul, you
cant put conditions on love, you cant enforce, it moves on its on, it finds its
way on its own, it lays its own course you cant lay down a standard operating
procedure for love. The moment you start laying rules, conditions and
procedures in love it turns into greed, selfishness. Love loses its essence and
then the sequence of compromises start.
My learning for love (and its always eternal) is never ever try to put
rules, conditions and expectations on love, let it flow on it natural course,
trust me it will surprise you.
sparks creativity, the day you realize true love, your creative spark ignites,
you would be writing spontaneously, you would see your true creative aspect. I
have seen it and I have felt it very clearly.
true love you tend to do more and more and more, endlessly without even
comparing what you are getting in exchange, you don’t worry about the balancing
person who loves himself becomes graceful, elegant. The person who loves
himself is bound to become more silent, more meditative, more prayerful and
more forgiving and less reactive. This is what I have become, I can see the
difference in myself from being a love thirsty person I am now turning into
someone who generates ripples of love all across who ever comes in touch with
I know I am still far from being perfect human being, I know I still need to
love myself totally and fully and I still need to spread more love.